The Feelings Put Into the Green Box

The Feelings Put Into the Green Box

Conde House and SOMÈS SADDLE, whose corporate colors are green. "Koson Kokusu" is the deep green brand color created by the overlap of the two companies. It is the color of the magnificent lands and mountains of Hokkaido, and also represents our respect for nature and the materials we receive from it. This color is also used for our products boxes.

In order to ensure the safe delivery and storage of this precious, one of a kind, artistic object purchased by our customers, the box is, of course, durable and protected, but also has the appearance of a "extraordinary treasure" in its own right. The handle portion also utilizes leather that is prepared during manufacturing and is assembled with high precision techniques. The intricate and warm feeling paper is certified by the NPO Green Mark Association, with the packaging also designed with the global environment in mind.

One of a kind in the world. A deep green color that expresses our feelings towards our products and can serve well as a gift to you or your loved ones.

*Some products are excluded.


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